Pros of e-smoking.
Starting smoking electronic cigarettes, a person experiences positive effects: the smell of smoke gets out from mouth and hands, is improving overall health, breathing becomes easier, the taste of food gets brighter, shortness of breath passes. Also a plus is that you can smoke e-cigarette anywhere, even in places where it is prohibited – it does not burn and does not smell.
Electronic cigarettes don’t contain tar and combustion products, so they are less harmful than regular cigarettes, from smoking e-cigarettes don’t turn yellow your teeth, and skin does not become rough and does not age as from regular cigarettes.
Cons of e-smoking.
Obvious disadvantages of electronic cigarettes is considered a proven fact – after switching to electronic cigarettes, the habit of smoking doesn’t disappear, but only appears the psychological dependence from a new type of smoking. The savings from smoking e-cigarettes is not so significant, often a person smokes even more than before e-cigarettes because of the awareness of the imaginary harmlessness of this habit.
Many electronic cigarettes in online stores are even not certified by FDA, and no large-scale studies of this devices have not been conducted.
No cigarettes, no their devices or liquids are not subject to mandatory certification – that is why unscrupulous sellers can safely produce counterfeit or dangerous to health the devices.
Additionally, the smoke imitation from e-cigarette in the form of steam may irritate other people psychologically because of visual similarity with cigarette smoke.
Content of harmful substances in the cartridge refills is on the conscience of the manufacturer. According to researches conducted by American scientists, electronic cigarettes are not a safe alternative of usual tobacco cigarettes, as the nicotine content in them exceeds the declared number, and they can be produced with the violation of safety standards.
In the liquid composition, which simulates the tobacco smoke include propylene glycol. It can cause allergic reactions and even block the breath of the smoker. There is evidence that some smokers have problems with the lungs and throat after using e-cigarettes.
In fact, despite numerous clinical studies, a common position regarding the impact of electronic cigarettes on the health was not provided.
It turns that electronic cigarette itself is not so safe and have not been studied adequately, but nevertheless they are safer than usual tobacco cigarettes: e-cigarettes bring less harm to other people and produce fewer toxic components than tobacco smoke.
After all, the smoker must himself decide to pass to e-cigarettes or not, what will be the pros and cons of this step, and very carefully choose the online shop where to buy e-cigarettes, liquids and other cigarette components.